An Analysis of Online Messaging, Fundraising and Advocacy Metrics for Nonprofit Organizations
* Ever wonder how your email list stacks up against other nonprofits?
* Is it just your open rate that's declining, or are all nonprofits seeing the same results?
* And just what is a good online fundraising response rate?
Our speaker, Karen Matheson of M+R Strategic Services will speak on the results of the 2008 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study. The report analyzed online messaging, fundraising, and advocacy data from 21 leading nonprofit organizations.
Karen will cover key findings on fundraising and advocacy metrics, explore what the data tells us about industry-wide changes, provide key metrics to analyze your organization's online program and take questions about the study and nonprofit online metrics.
She will also offer up real-world advice and research-based best practices for communicating effectively with your membership, helping maintain and develop supporters, build relationships, and sharing your story.
Karen Matheson is the Manager of Quantitative Research and Analysis at M+R Strategic Services and provides strategic data analysis for a range of M+R's eCampaigns clients, including the Human Rights Campaign, Oxfam America, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. With a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Oregon and graduate coursework in statistics and analysis, Karen has a strong quantitative research background. In addition to co-authoring M+R and NTEN's eNonprofit Benchmarks Study (, Karen regularly researches and co-authors articles about best online communications strategies using data from several national nonprofits.
FOOD: Some food and beverages are provided, but feel free to bring something to share! We hope that you will join us to meet new friends, share issues and ideas about technology in the nonprofit sector, and continue to help mold the group. These events will also try to offer information about open source (read: free!) alternatives to software and tools used by or available to nonprofits.
Portland 501 Tech Club at
Portland Net Tuesday at
Please email Anna at [email protected] or Amy at [email protected] with any questions.
Added by annaNTEN on July 24, 2008