825 Hay Street
Perth, Western Australia 6000

"Porgy and Bess" was the first American opera to enjoy world-wide success and for its composer, George Gershwin, it was the climax of an extraordinary, though tragically brief, career.
Set in Charleston, South Carolina, and based on the DuBose Heyward novel, it tells the moving story of the cripple Porgy and his love for the beautiful, haunted Bess. Recognised as a masterpiece of 20th Century opera, the jazz and blues inspired score introduced classic songs: 'Summertime', 'I Got Plenty o' Nuttin', 'It Ain't Necessarily So', 'Bess', 'You Is My Woman'.

This thrilling production provides audiences the rare opportunity to see a fully staged 'Porgy and Bess' performed exactly as the composer intended - with a cast made up entirely of superb African - American singers.


Official Website: http://www.bocsticketing.com.au/get_events_info.asp?id=PORGY06

Added by Simone van Hattem on July 13, 2006