1517 Park St
Alameda, California 94501

popUp Gallery presents:
Reception FRIDAY Nov. 24th, 2012
popUp Gallery is back with another fascinating exhibition. The collection of paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures assembled in “EVERY_BODY” celebrates the human figure – its strengths and weaknesses, its attributes and accessories.
Representation of the human form, with all its subtle curves and angles, has tested the skill of artists since the dawn of time, from the hieroglyphics of ancient civilizations to the gleaming marble sculptures of Michelangelo, from Duchamp’s startling “Nude Descending a Staircase” to avatars and holograms and digitally-created casts of thousands.
In this exhibition, eleven Bay Area artists present their interpretations of the human figure exploring not only its endlessly beautiful geometry but extending their reach beyond the figure into concepts of self-image, the rhythms of daily life, and spiritual essence – who we are as well as what we are. This exciting collection of paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures celebrates the beauty and diversity of “everybody”.
Please join Artists Rob Anderson, Gabriele Bungardt, Bob Giles, Irene Hendrick, Diane Komater, Suzanne Lacke, Judy Miller, Stephen Namara, Dickson Schneider, Darcy J. Sears, for the opening reception on Saturday, November 24, 2012 from 4 to 7 pm at 1517 Park Street in Alameda.
The opening reception is part of the Estuary Art Attack, Alameda’s lively gallery scene on the second Friday of the month.
Additional receptions:
Friday, December 7, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Also open by appointment
popUp Gallery at Autobody Fine Art, 1517 Park Street in Alameda
popUp Gallery at Autobody Fine Art, 1517 Park Street in Alameda, is a creative collaboration between Autobody’s Executive Director, Jacqueline Cooper, and popUp Gallery Directors, Gabriele Bungardt and Mi’Chelle Fredrick who believe in the importance of fostering creativity.

popUp Gallery’s mission is to provide free exhibition space for deserving artists who might otherwise remain anonymous. In exchange for this opportunity, artists who sell work through the gallery contribute 20% of the sales price to selected art-related non-profit organizations whose work benefits other Bay Area artists. Paying it back in this way ensures that artists will have a place to share their work with the community and their creative voices will find an audience.

Added by Rosie Morales on November 15, 2012

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