100 Art Rooney Ave
Reserve Twp, Pennsylvania 15212

The Inaugural Pittsburgh Polar Plunge at Heinz Field—Presented by LANXESS to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) will be held on Saturday, December 4, 2010 at the “Beach” at Heinz Field, Pittsburgh, PA. Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. and the event is slated for a 12 p.m. “splash” time. The plunge is open to the public and all spectators are welcome free of charge.

The Polar Plunge invites participants of all ages (under 18 requires parent or guardian signature) to take a dip in the “cool” waters of the Allegheny River. Plungers can take the plunge on their own with a minimum pledge of $50 or, better yet, join a group of 10 friends and/or colleagues to form a Plunge Team with a $500 pledge goal. Visit http://www.plungepa.org/ for more information.

Added by lynn.sudik14 on October 22, 2010

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