Lower Church St.,
Chepstow, Wales NP16 5HJ

Fleur Adcock & Tiffany Atkinson

Accessiblity, clarity, warmth and wit... Fleur Adcock has been an immense influence for good in modern poetry. Settling in England from New Zealand in the early sixties, she soon established herself as a powerful new voice. Over the next twenty years, she carved out a new sense of what constituted “women’s poetry” in an age of changing values and perceptions. Steering a clear and accessible path between what she called “primal screams” and “cryptic minimalists”, she brought a fierce intelligence and a growing compassion to our experience of modern women’s poetry. Over the years her wit, seriousness and humanity have made her a beacon and role-model for a whole generation of younger women poets.

Tiffany Atkinson, has already marked herself out as one of Wales’s finest poets. what sets her apart from the crowd is her penetrating gaze, a take-no-prisoners scepticism, and a warm accessibility married with a cool intelligence. Whether writing about love or liberty, Tiffany Atkinson is smart, sexy and often very, very funny. Join these two remarkable women for what promises to be another extraordinary evening of poetry.

Added by Wyedeantourism on May 13, 2010

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