215 Starling Avenue
Martinsville, Virginia 24112

Poe's Playground a collection of work inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s life, his art and the places he haunted during his lifetime. Poe's stories inspire artists to examine the creepy, melancholy and frightening. Poe's Playground features works by Caryl Burtner, Jamie Burwell Mixon, Mark Chatterley, Kathryn Henry–Choisser, John Moser, Amie Oliver, Noah Scalin and Chris Semtner. This exhibit was organized by 1708 Gallery in Richmond, VA.

Also featuring portraits of the women who were part of Edgar Allan Poe's life and who inspired his work. The original acrylic paintings in this exhibit were created by internationally exhibited artist and Poe Museum Curator Chris Semtner. Among the pieces in the show are portraits of Poe’s wife/cousin Virginia Clemm Poe; Jane Stanard, his “first purely ideal love” who went insane when Poe was a child; Elmira Royster Shelton, the woman to whom Poe was twice engaged; and Mary Rogers, the cigar girl whose murder inspired Poe’s story “The Mystery of Marie Roget.” This exhibit is on loan from the Poe Museum in Richmond, VA.

Gallery Hours
Tue – Fri: 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 3 pm

Added by Piedmont Arts on June 16, 2010

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