77 louis pasteur avenue
boston, Massachusetts 02115

If you're interested in blogging, podcasting, video on the Intenret, virtual worlds, social networks, and how you can get the most out of World 2.0, PodCamp Boston 3 is the event for you.

PodCamp Boston 3
July 19-20, 2008 at the Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. PodCamp Boston 3 will be two days of great conversations, knowledge sharing, and insights into the leading edge of new media.


Official Website: http://www.podcampboston.org/

Added by paul irish on April 23, 2008



I've got my ticket. It was one of my birthday gifts if that tells you how sick I am over techie stuff. Anyone coming in from Metro West?

Jennifer Goodwin