37th & Oak Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

Sunday September 30th
10am - 4pm
Great Lawn at VanDusen Botanical Gardens, 5251 Oak St. (just off 37th).

VanDusen Garden is currently developing a fall event that promises to become an annual must-do for lower mainlanders and their families, like the UBC Apple Festival. The focus will be on Growing Local food and supporting local and sustainable agriculture by Eating Local and Buying Local.

Event Description
Plenty will feature a farmers' market, organic food vendors, workshops/speakers on growing food naturally and related subjects like pruning and composting, sales of fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, grape vines, winter food crops and a special edible garden tour. There will be food-themed entertainment and activities for the whole family. The event will be widely promoted by VanDusen Garden and event sponsors.

UBC Farm will have a booth and will be featured at this event.

Added by thegreenpages on September 6, 2007