Want to practice your startup pitch in front of people who've done it before? Crave the harsh criticism of your peers? Need the validation of seeing what works and what doesn't in other pitches?
Bring your 3 minute pitch. Put your name in a hat and if it gets picked, you're on. Powerpoints discouraged - just pitch. Then, answer questions and listen to painfully honest feedback from a panel of so-called experts.
The first rule of Pitch Club is you HAVE TO PITCH.
The second rule of Pitch Club is you HAVE TO PITCH. It doesn't have to be your startup - pitch your blog, your Star Wars-related pet theory, or your plan for world domination.
More rules as we think of them.
Q: Who are these so-called experts and what are they going to do to me?
A: Your pitch will be evaluated by tech entrepreneurs and people who pitch for a living. They are your superiors.
Q: What about NDAs? Someone's going to steal my idea!
A: There are no NDAs - use your best judgment about what to talk about and what not to. Also, remember the first rule of fight club - don't talk about fight club. We're all on the honor system here.
Q: My pitch is more than 3 minutes - can I have more time?
A: No.
Q: Will it be catered?
A: Hell no. You know what's in the lobster bisque.
Q: Can anyone critique a pitch?
A: No, only the panel.
Added by Alexis.Peterka on February 1, 2011