6575 Central Avenue
St. Petersburg, Florida 33710

If you live in Pinellas County Florida and plan to attend this meeting...

Please RSVP to Attend Meeting!

RSVP by PHONE: Call 344-1038
RSVP by EMAIL: [email protected]
RSVP ONLINE at: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/user/1039072/

This meeting is an INFORMAL and UNOFFICIAL (non-voting) meeting for "New Inquiries" (if any) in Pinellas County Florida who have contacted Pinellas Libertarians to be interviewed and/or who want to get more Libertarian info and join Pinellas Libertarian Book Club discussion (may feature Libertarian Books/Libertarian Issues/Libertarian Literature).

Current MEETUPS are 3rd Saturday every OTHER ODD Month -- (Jan/Mar/May/July/Sept/Nov) -- But venue may be subject to change depending on RSVP Attendees List.

(7:00pm) Libertarian Book Club & MEET-UP:
St. Pete book club and/or speaker discussion meeting.
WHERE: Starbucks Coffee 6575 Central Ave.

*Note: Meeting times and locations are subject to change! If a large number of people RSVP to attend venue change may be required. Final meetings attendees list may be confirmed by phone and/or direct email. Meetings may be canceled if ...there are no attendees confirmed, there is an emergency situation, severe weather, hurricane warnings or Force Majeure.

Official Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PinellasLib/

Added by Pinellas LIB CLUB on October 15, 2009


Ken G

The Saturday January 16, 2010 Pinellas Libertarian Club meeting was a great discussion of Libertarian ideas and current politics.

Libertarian Party of Pinellas

Libertarian Party of Pinellas attended the Saturday January 16, 2010 Pinellas Libertarian Club -- meeting some new people and having a lively discussion with long-time Libertarians about current events and politics.