6575 Central Ave
St. Petersburg, Florida

* 7:00 PM: Pinellas Libertarians BOOK CLUB and Intake Meeting
We will meet to discuss books, civic action opportunities, outreach, and doings. Free materials, relaxed atmosphere, intake meeting. Share your project, book.

* 7:45 PM Activists can discuss non-partisan public office and activist opportunities.

* 8:00 PM Pinellas Libertarians hosts common ground with COFFEE CLUB Party.

Local Libertarian Book Club will host a COFFEE CLUB Party Group --
On non-partisan basis on local action common ground...bring your project or tell us of your group.

>Local Banks
>Save Shores
>Ballot fairness
>Get in local office
>Great readings
>Bring Your Issue

Starbucks St Petersburg, Florida
Corner of 66th Street North and Central.

We meet the 3rd Saturday of the month Except as noted (JULY 18, 2010)

Note from Libertarians: We commit to hosting the Coffee activists for 3 years.
Liberals, progressives, centrists, constitution fans and of course L:ibertarians welcome.

Not affiliated with US LP or other political groups.

Bring your project and we'll share on our blog, e-group or Facebook.


Please RSVP if you plan to attend our meetings!

See: http://www.PinellasLibertarians.org for free materials and links.

Added by Pinellas Libertarians on May 31, 2010