6852 Gulfport Blvd
So. Pasadena, Florida 33707

RSVP by calling us at (727)344-1038
RSVP online at:

MONDAY DEC 21, 2009
7:00 - 9:00 PM Pinellas Libertarian "CLUB" Meeting

If you are NEW to our Pinellas Libertarian CLUB meetings this is a good meeting to attend to get information and meet local Pinellas Libertarians in the area.

You may purchase dinner or coffee on your own.
*Please RSVP if you plan to attend so we can let the restaurant staff know how many attendees to set-up for!

The LPPC meeting is for Libertarian Party of Pinellas-(LPPC) OFFICERS, MEMBERS and *NEW Attendees (voter registered "Libertarian" in Pinellas County) who are interested in helping the LP Pinellas affiliate and who RSVP before meetings unless otherwise they are personally invited, and are Libertarian CLUB participants.

If you wish to vote at future LPPC meetings, you should attend this meeting *(NEW Attendees Must meet LPPC requirements to vote at future meetings).

A credentials check of attendees and/or meeting sign-in will be required to attend meeting.

Speakers, LP Pinellas Officers and (LIB) Attendees or Club participants who RSVP prior to meeting will have priority seating at meeting.

Attendees/LP Members who
-are NEW (never attended or a long time since attending a meeting or new to Libertarian Party)
-or from outside of Pinellas County
-or who are NOT voter registered Libertarian
-and who have NOT met LP Pinellas membership requirements may NOT vote at LP Pinellas affiliate meeting and may require special approval to attend LPPC meeting.

You must meet LPPC membership qualifications and be approved by LPPC EC to vote at LPPC Meetings.


Added by Pinellas LIB CLUB on December 16, 2009