408 Ashe Ave
Raleigh, North Carolina 27606

Age: 16yrs and up
Pilates is a form of exercise which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. Athletes and dancers love it, as do seniors, women rebounding from pregnancy, and people who at various stages of physical rehabilitation. People report that they become stronger, leaner, and more able to do anything with grace and ease
Class Fee: $20
Pullen Community Center—Thursdays, Jan 28-Mar 4, 4:00-5:00pm
Pullen Community Center—Thursdays, Mar 18-Apr 22, 4:00-5:00pm
For More Info: 919-831-6844 [email protected]

Added by esl.staff on November 30, 2009

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