2661 Civic Center Drive
Roseville, Minnesota 55113

The Friends of Roseville’s Harriet Alexander Nature Center (FORHANC) want y’all to come to a Pig Roast Party! It’s gonna be from 6:00 -9:00 pm, Thursday, June 7, 2012, at the OVAL (the banquet room at the Roseville Skating Center) and it’s gonna be a great evening. This is FORHANC’s big fundraising campaign kick-off event and the cost is only $20 per person. The evening starts out with live music by Bill Cagley and a cash bar, followed by a delicious roasted pig dinner with all the trimmings (a vegetarian option will be available). Then it’s time for guest speaker Al Batt, humorist and bird lover (Bulletin Board readers in the Pioneer Press know him as “Al B of Hartland, Official Staff Ornithologist”). The evening ends with a spirited live auction of a beautiful wildlife print, “Feeding Time,” by noted Iowa artist Rick Morkel.

Reservations must be received by Friday, June 1st. Reservation forms can be found at www.FORHANC.org or from the Roseville Parks and Recreation office at City Hall. (phone 651-792-7006). Email inquiries can be directed to [email protected].

FORHANC is working with the Friends of Roseville Parks (FOR Parks) toward the goal of refurbishing the interior of the nature center building. They’ve seen some really exciting interactive and educational display designs, with a total completion estimate cost of about $80,000. The St. Paul North Ramsey 500 Lions Club and an anonymous donor already have donated a total of $3,000, but they’re going to need more pledges to reach the goal. Hope to see y’all at the Pig Roast Party!

Official Website: http://forhanc.org

Added by nancykinz on May 16, 2012

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