230 W 4th St
Fort Worth, Texas 76102

What would happen if Albert Einstein and Pablo PIcasso got together at a Paris cafe, shortly before they both became world famous? The ridiculous and the sublime intersect in this unique comedy by comedian, actor and playwright - Steve Martin. This production will include TCU student and faculty actors, as well as professional cast members. (Adult content, language)

Previews: Sept. 24, 25, 26 (matinee) - $10 & $15
Opening Night: Saturday, Sept. 26 at 8:00pm - $30
Thursdays at 7:30pm
Fridays at 8:00pm
Saturdays at 3:00pm & 8:00pm


Official Website: http://www.circletheatre.com

Added by Circle Theatre, Fort Worth on August 20, 2009