5959 W. Century Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90045

Learn Adobe Photoshop, the most popular graphics editing software in the world, the market leader for bitmap and image manipulation. Become a graphic designer, a web designer, create flyers, edit photos, spice up your presentations, add pizazz to your photography, get creative and create composites or manipulate images!

There is so much you can do with Photoshop!! Its the core of all graphics programs!!

Learn about bitmap and vector images, how to manage your workspace, learn numerous selection tools, learn about layers, layer effects, layer masks, filters, typography, text styles, image manipulation, dropping out backgrounds, compositing images, creating drop shadows. Learn to properly output files for the web, image compositing, photoshop tips, tricks, shortcuts, techniques, and much more in this 2 day class!

Official Website: http://www.headtrixtraining.com/AdobeTraining/adobe-photoshop-training-level1.php

Added by Mark Itskowitch on December 13, 2011

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