31 W Ohio
Chicago, Illinois 60610

This innovative photography exhibit interprets the essence of the female body and also chronicles the changes that have taken place over the last few decades in both the international and Spanish national art world. Curated by Blanca Berlín, it features the work of five contemporary Spanish artists: Beatriz Moreno, Isabel Muñoz, Ouka Leele, Gabriela Grech, and Soledad Córdoba. Exhibit runs through January 15th, 2011.

Film Series: “Feminine Space”
Contemporary films directed or conceived by women: a fiction film, a series of shorts, a creative documentary, and a sociological- and historical-themed documentary. For film schedule and other exhibition information, visit www.chicago.cervantes.es.

Official Website: http://chicago.cervantes.es

Added by Instituto Cervantes on October 24, 2010