1305 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122

Discover the art of photography with "Photographic Vision-Youth," a hands-on course for high-school aged students. We will explore basic black and white darkroom techniques and the artistic principles of this exciting medium. Students will learn how to operate 35mm and pinhole cameras, and how to properly expose film, process negatives, and make their own prints in the darkroom. While attaining a solid technical foundation, students will also investigate the aesthetics of photography by looking at work of other photographers as well as critiquing the images produced by themselves and their classmates. Small class size allows for one-on-one attention from instructors and an informal setting conducive to art-making. Working through two assignments during this eleven week course, students will find a fun and challenging environment in which to explore their creativity and the fascinating world of photography.

Official Website: http://www.projectbasho.org/workshops/2007fall/teenvision.html

Added by projectbasho on August 13, 2007



i love this pic i want to do some photography so bad

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