Pulchowk (in front of Sajha Petrol Pump)
Lalitpur, Central

Photocamp Kathmandu 2010 is a photography unconference created and
decided by the participants. It’s an open event, meaning that anyone
can join (and by anyone, we mean anyone) and it’s free, meaning you do
not have to pay to participate*. The event will feature a host of
photography-related presentations, digital slideshows, photo stories
and tips and tricks: most of which will be constructed and carried out
in the venue itself.

Do join us.

For more info: http://photocampktm.wordpress.com/

at FB: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163797416987812


Official Website: http://photocampktm.wordpress.com/

Added by Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka on December 17, 2010
