1290 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, California 94115

PHONE BANKING TO VOTERS Monday through Saturday including Election Day. Phone Bank Training by either Barbara Cristina Grant Tengeri (top 100 phone banker in the country), Kevin Jefferson, or Floyd W. Trammell. Kevin and Floyd are in charge of West Bay Phone Banking. Barbara is a trainer and visitor. HOURS ARE 10:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M., October 13th through November 4th, except Sundays. Bring cellphone, charger, pen and snack. West Bay is a pleasant place. Lots of help onboard. Invite friends. If you have questions, feel free to call Barbara anytime at 510-830-5990.

This event was submitted by MyBO. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gs5b9t

Added by MyBO on October 12, 2008

Interested 1