325 E Elloitt Rd,Suite 34
Chandler, Arizona 85225

Steve Shaffer, marketing consultant, and bona-fide black man, facilitates our discussion on “Marketing to Other Races Without Looking Like a Doofus.” The event will take place on April 16th at 7pm. Bring your sense of humor.

Phoenix Marketers is a monthly social meetup for Arizona marketing professionals who want to share ideas, give advice, and offer resources for dealing with the ever-increasing complexity of the marketing industry. These meetings are meant to be very laid-back, so be ready to discuss and/or yell at Steve at any given point during his presentation. Wii, pool, and air hockey are also available for your post-presentation enjoyment.

And most importantly, there will be food and refreshments - and cupcakes provided by the Scottsdale Cupcakery, Butter & Me (www.butterandme.com).

The meeting will take place at Gangplank in Chandler, AZ. Questions or comments? Please get in contact with us on Twitter @phxmarketers, or you can email [email protected].

Official Website: http://www.phoenixmarketers.com

Added by kimmmbop on April 14, 2009