407 Bainbridge St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147

George Bush ruined the world for the profiteering of the Carlyle Group. Unless you think Hilary Clinton already did because she's a pinko Commie who killed Vince Foster. With the race for the presidential election only just starting, American political discourse has become completely freaking annoying. By the time we reach November, none of us will even vote. January's Bedtime Stories is all about the exciting world of politics. The drama! The shock! The awe!

Hosted by Gregg Gethard. Tickets re $5. All tickets are available online at phillyimprovtheater.com until 24 hours before showtime, or starting 30 minutes in advance at the door.

Official Website: http://www.phillyimprovtheater.com

Added by aubs913 on January 8, 2008

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