201 Jones Rd
Waltham, Massachusetts 02451

Congratulations! You've been promoted and what mattered before doesn't count anymore. Now it's. . . Not about your personal achievement...but coaching others to succeed. Not about your drive to get things done...but your ability to motivate others to get it done. Not about you...it's all about them.
To achieve success, you need a firm grasp of business skills and human relations skills -- the skills you'll learn at this seminar.
This intensive one-day seminar provides everything you need to know to achieve outstanding results through others. Of course, you cover the basics like planning, organizing and control, as well as building your interpersonal effectiveness.

Spend a day with us and learn how to gain employee commitment, lead confidently and motivate employees to peak performance. Get the skills you need to avoid the 10 most common mistakes first-time managers make. Gain important insights into the legal do's and dont's of hiring, performance management and termination. Discover how to build good relationships up and down the organization.


Added by Dale Carnegie on June 11, 2012

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