Ever wonder what it's like to be up close to a penguin? Maybe what their feathers feel like? Or even how some are able to live in a climate similar to ours, while others enjoy a much colder climate similar to that of Antarctica? Join Atlantis Marine World as it launches' Penguin Encounter' - a brand new, once-in-a-lifetime, interactive opportunity to have a close up encounter with an African Penguin and learn how the animal experts care for these playful birds. The 45-minute program will be comprised of a few different elements - first, guests will experience the inner workings of the Penguin Pavilion exhibit, then they will learn how staff cares for the exhibit's current residents, and finally they will meet one of the Aquarium's newest arrivals and stars of the Encounter - one of the three penguin chicks that haven't quite moved into the exhibit just yet! Guests will enter Penguin Preschool and see the chick waddle, swim, even shake its tail feathers. In fact, the penguin will be walking freely among the group, perhaps even allowing guests to touch and pet it. After this unforgettable interaction, photos will be permitted to capture this unique meet-and-greet moment forever.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 15, 2011