The basement of the popular restaurant DOMO in Thingholstraeti will be the meeting-place for the first Pecha-Kucha night in Reykjavik next Thursday on the 29th of January.
The guest speakers are very good mix of Icelanders who have made contribution to the Icelandic culture and also foreigners who definitely will provide to the guests’ night with an important insight of their lives and careers.
The theme for the first night is “A Crazy Opportunity” in light of the current situation that Iceland is going though. The value of the tickets sold will be used to support Gedhjálp (association that cares for the protection of mentally ill individuals in Iceland).
The atmosphere is full of expectation about the PKN in Reykjavik and lots of questions have been received concerning the event and how to participate in it.
For further information; please go to
Featuring Presentations by…
Lára Ómarsdóttir, Teitur Thorkellsson, Baggalútur, Dóra Ísleifsdóttir, graphic designer, Ólof Erla, graphic designer, Hannes Högni, Rafael Cao Millán, architect from Mexico, Emiko Oki, designer from Japan, Jorge Gonzales, architect from Mexico, Christian Wiedersheimi, computer designer from Barcelona, Jónas Björgvin Antonsson, entrepreneur founder of GoGogic
Official Website:
Added by Pecha Kucha Night on January 23, 2009