10301 Candelaria NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Peace Collage and Southwest Learning Centers (three Albuquerque charter schools) are co-sponsoring a free art exhibit and performance event to showcase the work of charter school students in New Mexico. The Art Expo is scheduled for March 18, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. at Southwest Learning Centers, 10301 Candelaria NE, and will feature visual arts, music, dance and multi-media works by students.

?Students in grades 4 through 12 have come together to imagine what peace might look like,? says one of Peace Collage?s founders and board member Rikki Quintana. ?This Art Expo brings together New Mexico?s charter schools, all champions of innovation in education, to give our students the opportunity to inspire themselves and others by sharing their own dreams, through their art work, about what would be possible if peace were realized in our communities and the world. If people can begin to imagine the world we want to live into, we can begin to create that world.?

Peace Collage?s mission is to create a worldwide conversation, though the universal language of art, for the possibilities of a world at peace.

Added by kellykoepke on February 23, 2006

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