The Problem
You’re a designer. Maybe you’re freelance, with clients whose expertise falls in the area of manufacturing dumpsters. Maybe you’re on staff somewhere, a lone designer in a crowd of tech geeks and marketing communication experts (yikes!) Maybe you work in an agency where the creative director can’t design their way out of a paper bag, and whose most scintillating advice is, “Make it green and move it five pixels to the left.” Maybe you’re lucky enough to work for a hip firm where you get lots of good feedback on your work projects, but you’d like some input on your photography, or stained glass, or [insert medium of your choice] personal work. The problem, no matter where you are or what exactly you’re doing, is that you’d like some constructive feedback from respected peers.
The Solution
Come to a PDX Critique meeting. The mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to crawl out of their work void to share information and constructive criticism.
The Fun Part
After we talk for a while, we all get to go have a beer.
Event Contact:
Stacey Anderson
[email protected]
Added by Eva Schweber on June 3, 2008