22 W 15th St
New York, New York 10011

Join author Allan Lokos as he sheds new light on this much sought-after state of being, provides a road map for cultivating more patience in one's life through readings and an informal dialog about his new book Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living (Tarcher/Penguin).

Allan Lokos is the guiding teacher of the Community Meditation Center on New York City’s upper west side and has taught at Columbia University Teacher's College, Marymount College, NY Insight, and Insight Meditation Community of Washington.

He is the author of Pocket Peace: Effective Practices for Enlightened Living (Tarcher/Penguin; Winter, 2010) & Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living (Tarcher/Penguin; Jan, 2012).

This is a free event but space is limited. Please RSVP:

Official Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/175909672482955/

Added by techdeco on January 14, 2012