132 T T K Road
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

About the Workshop

Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner,
LLP, one of the largest law firms in the world focusing
solely on U.S. intellectual property law, in association
with Innomantra Consulting Private Limited, India a
niche innovation and IP consulting firm, Confederation
of Indian Industry (CII), and Tamil Nadu Technological
Technology Development & Promotion Center will host
a one-day workshop.

The workshop will focus on the importance of
intellectual property in today’s global economy, and
highlight issues and concerns related to protecting
and enforcing intellectual property rights in the United
States. The speakers are professionals with years of
experience in patent portfolio development, business
strategies, patent procurement, and patent litigation.

The workshop will be divided into several sessions,
covering a wide range of topics concerning creating
and managing IP. The speakers will offer their
perspective on successful strategies in patent
procurement and enforcement, understanding
the importance of patent claims and building and
implementing successful IP strategies. The workshop
will include interactive sessions, engaging audience

Added by Aruna Saanvi on September 4, 2012

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