1995 South Bascom Ave
Campbell, California 95008

People say that word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising, but how can a consultant ensure that the right person receives the correct message?

Referrals are great! That's why most of us invest so much time in leads groups, networking forums, professional associations, and chambers of commerce events. Unfortunately, it seems that clients, friends, and associates who truly want to help us with their referrals often share the wrong information or give it to inappropriate people.

What happens next? We end up chasing dead-end leads and wasting valuable time that could be spent with clients or high-qualified prospects.

Doug Keller, a San Jose based marketing consultant, helps companies create customized referral programs that lower the cost of lead generation, reduce new business prospecting time, and deliver high customer conversion rates.

In this presentation, Keller will discuss:

* Three steps to build an effective and proactive referral system.
* Referral marketing tools that deliver measurable results.
* Components that form a customized system for any type of business.

Referral marketing programs are the most cost-effective method to help just about any business capture great prospects. Information in this presentation will provide valuable ideas for all business owners (or anyone responsible for growing revenues) about how to install a referral system that works - without breaking the marketing budget!

Official Website: http://www.PATCA.org

Added by FullCalendar on June 1, 2010