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Added by strongfuture on July 10, 2008



I am a Kenyan boy aged 19 years. I am born in a single family that constitutes of a mother of four sons and three daughters. My mother is a nursery school teacher and whose salary is very little, in most cases her salary is not enough to cater for our basic needs. My elder brother never continued with his education after his primary school because there was no money to pay for his secondary education. We live in a very small portion of land because my mother beaten and chased away by my uncles so that she could not inherit any piece of my grandfather’s land.
I was luck when I performed wonders in the last exam in primary school; I was not only the first in my school but also the first in primary school around. The people in home area thus organized a fund raising ceremony to contribute money to take to a secondary school. With their help and the assistance of well wishers, I was able to join Leshau Secondary School. once I was there I was very determined and thus I performed very well , this made me get bursary fund from the government to assist me pay for my fees.
Despite many difficulties I have experienced, I got to a very good grade in my O level. A grade that would enable me join any University in Kenya, I have also done computer application. Since I was young, I have had strong passion to become a pilot, I have admired for long to do flying. I am glad that I have all qualifications required by Kenya school of flying for one to do the course. This course is so expensive that I can not raise money for it by my own, to finish the whole course it needs about (USD 65 000) four millions Kenya money. I have tried to search for somebody to sponsor me with this amount but all has been in vain. I thus kindly request you to sponsor me and incase you may be not in position to sponsor me, please I beg that you assist me get someone who will sponsor me to do the course.
As a pilot and with my salary I would like to hit some goals in life, an opportunity to work as a pilot will provide a very attractive challenge which I will be ready to rise.
I should be;
v A role model whose acts must be memorable in the country and irreversible within the contexts of national core values.
v A person who embodies exceptionally high levels of courage, honesty, integrity and truthfulness.
v A visionary and charismatic person who inspires others to positive actions i.e. conservation of environment, campaign against HIV and Aids, organizing community development projects.
v A person who is ready and willing to put his resources at the service of the very poor people and the less fortune in the society.
Help me accomplish this goals, I thank you in advance and pray that any step of assistance you may take be a blessing to you and add you many years.


Please assist me get a sponsor