3046 Bardstown Road
Louisville, Kentucky

There’s a world of easily accessible health at your fingertips, explore it! Partnership for Health is more than just a health fair, it’s also the kick-off event introducing the Highlands Markets’ Practitioner’s room and the health care experts who work out of it.

Stop by and chat one-on-one with practitioners, discover alternative healing therapies that can help you improve and maintain your health, enjoy samples and sign up to win free prizes! Don’t miss the various presentations being held upstairs in the community room during the fair – see our online calendar at www.rainbowblossom.com for details.


Partnership for Health is a unique opportunity to meet holistic health care experts and experience alternative healing therapies that can help you improve and maintain your health. You can explore various healing techniques, at no cost, in a relaxed environment to discover what may work best for you, sample healthy products and register for prizes.

Partnership for Health is also the kick-off event to introduce customers to the Practitioner’s Room at the Highlands market, and will showcase the different modalities being offered regularly in the Practitioner’s Room such as:

Reiki • Ionic Foot Spa/Body Detoxification • Herbology • Nutritional Counseling • Voice Analysis • Sound Healing • Rolfing/Structural Integration • BodyTalk

Be sure and check out “Digestion & Health” with Jane Smalley in our Community Room. The room will also host mini-presentations such as Herbal Remedies, and Energy Healing with Crystals & Gems throughout the event. Be sure to check our online calendar - www.rainbowblossom.com - for details and times!

Added by rainbow blossom on May 19, 2010

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