12419 N 28th Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 85029

Vendors! Get your items together for a Giant Lot Sale at The Brass Armadillo Antique Mall on October 2, 2010 starting at 8:00am. We have plenty of lot spaces and priced at: $10 for 13' x 10' (reg price is $20). (you provide your own canopy and tables) The Mall will also be open at the same time for your shopping experience! We will have the barbeque going and serving up great hamburgers and hotdogs. Everything imaginable will be there! Check out the great bargains. If you would like to be a vendor at this event: Please call us to reserve your spot at: 602-942-0030 or stop by at the address listed. Spaces are limited. We are open from 9 to 9, 7 days a week!

Added by The Brass Armadillo Antique Mall on August 23, 2010