9 S. Main St.,
Rosedale, Indiana 47874

The Rosedale site of Parke County Covered Bridge FestivalTM welcomes visitors to our countywide, ten-day celebration of rustic rural heritage October 9-18, 2009. Open 9 am to 6 pm daily.

Located just 6 miles off US Highway 41 on the scenic Red Route, Rosedale’s Civic Club opens the entire Florida Township Civic Center to provide visitors with genuine, original products from art works to woolens and cookies to quilts. Pumpkin ice cream and strawberry shortcakes make great snacks or follow-ups to homemade chicken-n-noodle dinners, or grab a sandwich and cappuccino as you browse the myriad of real handmade product lines available for visitors’ pleasure.

See http://historicrosedale.spaces.live.com, email [email protected], or call (765)548-2522 or 0529 for more information.

Added by historicrosedale on September 14, 2009