Saturday, May 12
$30 | 3 – 6 PM
Blim and Keiko-Lee Hem presents:
Pants to Skirt Workshop
Keiko-Lee Hem
Breathe new life into tired or not-so-stylish pants through the timeless art of DIY.
With a snip-snip here and a sew-sew there, designer Keiko Lee-Hem will take you through the steps to transform your old jeans or overalls into a sassy new skirt.
Bring the pants you'd like to work on and we'll see you there!
Keiko has been a fearless D.I.Y-er since she got her first pair of fabric scissors back in 1991. When not busy splicing and dicing her clothing, she works as a freelance graphic designer and is the mother of AuMarché reusable shopping bags.
Call 604 872 8180 or [email protected] to register.
* Please pay for workshop 48 hrs before workshop date. Cash or cheque only.
More Info available at:
Added by BLIM on April 30, 2007