10260 SW Greenburg Road, Suite 600
Portland, Oregon 97223

Please join us next Tuesday night for another great PADNUG event!

Microsoft Portland Office located in Lincoln Tower
10260 SW Greenburg Road
Suite 600
Portland, OR 97223
Map: http://bit.ly/9M9dNZ

Tuesday 11/02/2010
6:00 p.m. Pizza (by Ascentium)
6:30 p.m. Presentation
~8:30 p.m. After Words at Gustav's

Patrick Cauldwell
Patrick is a Software Engineer/Tech Lead at WebMD, an Adjunct Instructor at Oregon Institute of Technology, and a noted author. He has held a variety of development, leadership and educational positions in the Portland-area software industry. Patrick is also a Certified Scrum Master.

Many real world business processes lend themselves well to being modeled as a formal work flow, and using a work flow framework can make the task of modeling much easier. Windows Workflow 4 provides a design surface, programming model, and toolset that make it easy for developers to model work flows, while taking advantage of a rich platform and set of services. WF 4 is much simpler to use and understand than the previous offerings, and is much more tightly integrated with WCF.

We'll look at what WF is good for, what it's best at, and how the WCF integration makes it easy to develop "durable services" and "long running" workflows.

Thanks to our Premium Sponsors that make these meetings possible:
Ascentium - http://www.ascentium.com/
Microsoft - http://www.microsoft.com/
ORCS Web - http://www.orcsweb.com/rdirects/NEW_padnug_hostby.asp
O'Reilly - http://www.oreilly.com/

Official Website: http://www.padnug.org

Added by jessej9 on October 27, 2010

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