1125 North McCadden Place
Los Angeles, California 90038

World Premiere Exhibit!
Runs Th Dec 20-Sat Jan 19.
Free Reception: Tues Jan 8, 7-9 p.m.
Gallery hours: M-F 6-10 p.m.; Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

At the beginning of a remarkable detective story lies a trunkful of extraordinary art.
Edith Lake Wilkinson was mysteriously committed to a mental hospital in 1924 at age 57, ostensibly for depression. But there is evidence that she was put away for being a lesbian. Her artwork was stored in a relative's attic and forgotten for 30 years.
Its rediscovery fired the imagination of a young grand-niece, who spent years tracking down whatever information she could find about Edith.
That amazing story and a number of Edith's beautiful paintings are now getting their world premiere exhibit at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center's Advocate & Gochis Galleries.

Added by Lily Tomlin/Jane Wagner Cultural on December 6, 2012