209 Bohemian Highway
Freestone, California 95472

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, we welcome Deana Dennard, who is a breast health educator and Ayurvedic practitioner. Deanna will teach a class presenting four simple methods to increase the immune function and health of your breast tissue through self-massage.

We will also be hosting Corina Crysler, BASC in Nutrition and Food Chemistry and Co-Founder and Product Formulator of GliSODin Skin Nutrients, who will be giving an anti-aging presentation. Locals Night exclusive offer- GliSODin products will be available for 20% off that night only!

This month we will feature complimentary lip and eyebrow waxing on a first-come, first-served basis. As always, we will treat you to communal style, Cedar Enzyme Foot Baths in addition to the great food and drink you've come to expect.

Official Website: http://www.osmosis.com/plan/events/

Added by Osmosis on October 4, 2010

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