O'Reilly Ignite comes to the UK!
Starting at 6.00 and going on till 9pm, the evening will comprise a series of Lightning Talks on a host of technology-related topics.
What is Ignite?
If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.
Ignite was started in Seattle in 2006 by Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis. Since then 100s of 5 minute talks have been given across the world. There are thriving Ignite communities in Seattle, Portland, Paris, and NYC.
If you want to present, please remember:
# Be no longer than 5 minutes
# Be on an innovative topic (no sales pitches, please!)
# Be viewable on a PC [a MacBook Pro with Powerpoint and Keynote, and PDF] with standard AV equipment
# Did we mention, no Sales Pitches.
We're expecting around a hundred attendees - from London, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield and Newcastle - and have scheduled eighteen talks in two blocks throughout the evening. We're really proud of the quality of speakers and their submissions - it really wouldn't be possible without their efforts. We have speakers from local startups, international charities, venture capital firms, national broadcasters, academia and healthcare. Wow...and wow!
As well as a great mix of cultural, creative and technological sessions, there'll be opportunities to hang out, socialise and also appreciate the work of some local artists (just before we open up)...here's the schedule for the evening:
17:00 Outofoffice: Art Installation
18:00 Doors Open: Drinks, Snacks & Networking
19:00 Katie Lips: Bringing Social to Coffee on iPhone
19:05 Jeff Allen : IT in Africa
19:10 Tim Panton: Don't forget voice! Telephony hacks for web 2.0 hackers
19:15 Michael Sparks: Embracing concurrency for fun, utility & simpler code
19:20 Dean Vipond: Perfection in design
19:25 Alexandra Dechamps-Sonsino: Could hardware hacking save us?
19:30 Ian Pringle: No News Is Good News
19:35 Dominic Hodgson: The Future of search
19:40 Ed French: Funding for technology startups
19:45 Break & refreshments
20:05 Tom Scott: My Life In Twenty Graphs
20:10 Stuart Childs, Richard Garside, Dave Lynch:
FriiSpray Digital Grafitti with IR tracking
20:15 Katie Brown: Recovery 2.0 - Digital Inclusion & developing social models of recovery in practice
20:20 Arturo Servin: Practical Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
20:25 Glen Smith: Mass customisation and the one-to-one future
20:30 Guy Dickinson: The Future Of Reading
20:35 Philip Hemsted: Psycho teams and theory of mind
20:40 James Boardwell: James Boardwell: From patterns to patterns!
20:45 Ian Forrester: Tweethookup
20:50 Wrap Up
21:00 Close
Ignite will also be a great example of where Leeds' coworking community is flourishing, particularly the residents of our venue at Old Broadcasting House. Kensei Media will be providing a live HD webcast of the event with True Media filming each presentation for later publication online. So if you can't make it on Thursday, we'll have everything available online within a few days :)
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/Ignite-UK-North/calendar/9017862/
Added by imran.ali on October 9, 2008
We've just posted the evening's schedule over at http://imran.ali.name/blog/2009/01/oreilly-ignite-north.html