801 Gateway Blvd, suite 500
South San Francisco, California 94080

Orange Spotlight: The dawn of attention data portability
A look at some companies illustrating various aspects of this complex topic.

Virginie de Bel-Air (co-founder of Bubbletop - a feed aggregation solution of Orange ) has been recently investigating the data portability theme. She will share her findings and analysis with the Orange Labs staff (and maybe you) by discussing the profile of 4 companies in the field.:
1) Faraday Media - an enabler: a suite of solutions aiming at enabling attention data portability
2) Sonic Living - an augmenter: a company that leverage your musical attention data to make sure you never miss another show again
3) Plaxo - a challenger: their attempt to import some information from your facebook friends into Plaxo and the controversy ensuing is a great example of the open questions and challenges on the topic of data portability: Who owns the data? What is the incentive for companies to let user's data flow freely when usually data is considered the bread and butter of the company?
4) Chirp - a lifestreamer: lifestreams are one use-case of data portability and Chirp allows to display what your friends are up to through the screen saver
Followed by an open discussion.

If your company fits in this space, and you would like a 5 minutes time slot to present, feel free to let us know by leaving a comment below.

We are trying to keep the event low key and casual, the space will be limited to 25 people. RSVP is required for building access reasons.

As a global network operator with 160 million customers in wireless, fixed, Internet and TV services, it's our job to track promising new technologies and companies. Periodically we meet to discuss new players in the market, to better understand emerging trends. These are casual, 'brown-bag' type briefings by a senior staff member to our internal community of developers. Recently we've taken the decision to open these explorations up to the community at large.

Added by pascale on April 10, 2008