1 Irvine Park Rd.
Orange, California 92862

What to expect:
Only the OC Flickr group members allowed here. All others will be turned away. Violators of this rule will be shot with our cameras and their pictures posted on Flickr for all of OC to see and avoid and pinpoint in public.

Following are the rules for this meeting to keep it fun, active, memorable, relaxed, manageable, safe and much more. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

1 : Please be considerate to others. We may have people of all styles and cameras coming, so we have to realize we can't have everyone else become our exact clone. :) There will be police and park rangers in and around the park, so there is no need to worry about running into weird people from this group or outside this group [except psycho squirrels on trees].

2 : We're hoping to be there for around 1-2 hours at least, and longer if time, patience and the park permits us to.

3 : There is no confirmed seating or sheltered area in the park where we will sit. Once we all meet at the main entrance [after parking and getting in], we'll find a spot to sit or hang around in and take it from there.

4 : Right now we're aiming for a maximum of 80 people [around 10%] to show up. If the list gets full, don't panic! Simply contact/email me. Please respond and let us know asap by confirming the invitation if you're coming [login using your Flickr username/password since it's part of the Yahoo network].

5 : $5 parking, paid to the parking people at the Irvine Park [when you park]. Carpool may be a possibility if people wish. Please post here or contact me if you wish to ask for or can provide a ride.

6 : Bring your own snacks if you wish. No food/drinks will be provided.

7 : Mainly a meeting and gathering opportunity since this is the 1st meeting and we can be both relaxed [talking, introducing, etc] and active [in terms of taking pictures].

8 : Bring your cameras if you wish and others can participate in your photographing if you wish. This way we can have both ends of the world [getting to know others in the group & also taking pictures of each other or the park].

9 : Please make sure you do NOT bring models [people, etc] or large equipments like strobes, reflectors, diffusers, long tripods, etc. This will draw unwanted attention from Park Rangers and other people. Just you and your camera will be more than enough.

10 : No alcohol.

11 : Depending on the # of people, we may split up or cut off entry [if, for example, MANY people show up, we'll cut off or split the group into 2 or 3 parties and go into different areas of the park and hang out with that specific party or switch from time to time so that the park people may not object to it or ask us to leave].

12 : Afterward, once 1 to 2 hours are up, we can stay as long as we want [until someone tells us to leave] or people can move to a different venue together [Spectrum, food ,ihop, Denny's, etc].

13: Bring only 1 person with you if you wish, please. If you wish to bring in more than 1 person, please contact me.


Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. Please post any questions on the private Flickr discussion which you're already part of. Thank you :)

Official Website: http://flickr.com/groups/orangecounty/discuss/72157608349368847/

Added by Bes Z on October 24, 2008