6443 Oak Canyon Road
Irvine, California 92618

About 40 pet rescue groups and shelters will bring more than 500 homeless animals for adoption, including lots of puppies and kittens. Vladae "The Russian Dog Wizard" will be the celebrity guest trainer and will be giving behavior demonstrations and offering free training advice. There will be a great silent auction, including an Event Suite package for 24 to a King's game at the Staples Center, valued at $2,400. There will also be food, vendors, discount microchips, a raffle, and an "Ask the Vet" booth. Snoopy, the official greeter, will be giving away discount coupons to Knott's Berry Farm.

Official Website: http://www.irvineshelter.org

Added by marilyn - event coordinator IACC on April 18, 2009