Schulungszentrum Düsseldorf Hamborner Str. 51 40472 Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia

XML is nowadays all around us. XML is at current state a part of our documents, reporting, and SOA architectures and, for instance, is used in mobile phone devices.

The Oracle XML database functionality can be used, among others, to generate XML, query XML or expose data via XML or via Native Database Web Services. Besides explaining the overall Oracle XML database features, this masterclass will also explain in-depth concepts and how this information can be used to program or setup architectures that simply put, will work and perform. Customer use-cases and solutions given will be addressed per database version, demonstrated and also, if possible, upcoming new XML functionality will also be explained and demonstrated.

Official Website:

Added by Idiceanu Renata on January 12, 2010

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