5429 32nd Ave. NW
Seattle, Washington 98107

From time to time a message comes from deep within shedding light on life. That inner voice may ask, "Isn't there more to life than this? Why am I here and what happens to me when I die?" These questions are opportunities to reflect on life and consider shifting priorities. Join Dr. Susan Gallagher, PhD for a presentation on how these messages and the practice of meditation can impact your life.

Vegetarian lunch is served after the talk. Please RSVP [email protected]
This talk is presented by Science of Spirituality. a non-profit, multi-faith organization under the direction of H H: Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, dedicated to love, unity and peace.

Added by Science of Spiritulality on June 23, 2012


Science of Spiritulality

This will be an awesome event!