This is part of a series of meetups over winter 2008/9 in London so that people who are interested in OpenStreetMap can meetup for some discussion. It's up to you if you do some mapping on the way.
We are also interested in meeting new people who want to find out more about OpenStreetMap. Feel free to come along!
Official Website:
Added by smsm1 on October 28, 2008
Cool. Hopefully we'll get some more different people coming along.
Don't need to bring anything really. At a proper "mapping party" we would bring print-outs and gadgets for mapping, and then meet at the pub afterwards, but it's winter and this pub is in a well mapped area so we're not planning to do any mapping this time really (although I suppose we could aim to have a node for every restaurant and bar along upper street or something silly like that!) . ...No purely a social meet-up.
I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find some pubs, shops and restaurants that are missing and could be added to the map.
Well there's probably a couple of hundred bars and restaurants between Angel tube station and the pub. It's one of those streets. I would volunteer to map some of them, but... I'll probably just aim to get there for the official 6 o'clock start time, to avoid confusion.
We've got seven people signed up on the wiki page so far. So quite popular (compared with last week at least)
It turns out I can't be at the pub until about 7 (someone scheduled a meeting at 5:30 ) For people planning to be there earlier than that, I suggest you find a big table and sit with a gps unit or map printouts clearly visible... after first checking that nobody else is doing the same thing. Also make a note of Shaun's number (on the wiki page)
I'll come along - i'm on 07811-278440.... first OSM meet-up so let me know what I can/should bring along