2010 has been a stonking year for OpenStreetMap. If you've been part of the project this year as a mapper, a developer, a user of our maps, or you like OpenStreetMap for some other reason, come join us and be merry!
There are several pubs called Blue Posts. Make sure you go to the right one! It's the normal one we go to, just north of Oxford Street
In the pub check upstairs. It will be busy on a Friday, but with more space later on. We may well end up hidden upstairs. Look out for a table with OpenStreetMap sign/OSM hi vis vest or Harry will be wearing his white OSM cap. Also make a note of this...
Contact: Harry Wood O7979815O13
Click "I'm coming" on here. There's also a sign up list on the website... or just turn up.
Event details on the OpenStreetMap site
Added by Harry Wood on December 13, 2010