30 Southwick Street, London
London, England W2 1JQ

OpenStreetMap.org, the wikipedia of maps, was born here in London around about 7 years ago. These days there's several hundred thousand contributors to this not-for-profit volunteer mapping project, in countries all over the world . There will be parties in cities around the world to celebrate OSM's birthday, but London is home turf for this project!

Come along if you consider yourself part of the OSM community, or just fancy meeting some open data enthusiasts, map enthusiasts and probably a few other people who are just there for a beer!

Having said that, there may also be a BBQ on. Dont want to make any promises, but...

The pub is located in on Sussex Gardens, walking distance betwixt several tube stations. Paddington station, Edgeware Rd, and also Lancaster gate and Marble arch on the central line. Do take a look at the map to find your way. It's not a very big pub, so you'll find us (hopefully we'll have an OSM logo sign) but take Harry's number with you: O7979815O13

We'll be there from 4p.m onwards (not 4a.m. as previously stated!)

Official Website: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenStreetMap_7th_Anniversary_Birthday_party#London

Added by Harry Wood on August 15, 2011