2521 Holman
Houston, Texas 77004

The theme, Home. Space. Place. focuses on concepts that are centered in the Third Ward community and others that are generic to all urban neighborhoods. These include ideas of home, identity, culture, struggles and perseverance. Some artists will draw upon the historical significance of the shotgun house, exploring ideas centered around home, while others will collect memories from Third Ward residents and/or create work in response to the neighborhood. All will create artifacts; capsules of visions and memories that resonate throughout the community. Installations will range from formal to more conceptual, utilizing a variety of materials and processes.

Featured Artists: Gregory Michael Carter; Stephanie Diamond; Rashida Ferdinand; Lance Flowers; Cynthia Giachetti; Lisa Qualls; & Stacy-Lynn Waddell.

In conjunction with Round 30, Project Row Houses presents Yinka Adeyimi, a Yoruba artist from Nigeria in his solo exhibtion, My Houston Turning Point.

Official Website: http://www.projectrowhouses.org

Added by Project Row Houses on March 24, 2009

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