18 Shattuck St
Lowell, Massachusetts 01852

Opening Reception and Poetry Reading for Radka Donnell: The Work of Touch

An exhibition of groundbreaking textile artist and poet Radka Donnell's quilts. Donnell's abstract works celebrate the physicality of the quilt, with its connection to the human body. She celebrates warmth and spirituality with exuberant use of color

An exhibition of groundbreaking textile artist and poet Radka Donnell's quilts. Donnell's abstract works celebrate the physicality of the quilt, with its connection to the human body. She celebrates warmth and spirituality with exuberant use of color.

Thirty years ago, Radka was one of the first artists to embrace the idea of quilting as a women’s art form. Embodying her unique vision of spirituality and self-expression, she addresses the human need for connection and comfort, and explores the elemental ways in which women have been able to express this human connectedness through quilt making. Radka’s work encompasses a wide range of media, from the visual to the verbal, all with an emphasis on celebrating a lifelong commitment to art.

The opening reception will feature a poetry reading by Lowell's own poet Paul Marion and his students.

Official Website: http://www.nequiltmuseum.org

Added by NewEnglandQuiltMuseum on March 11, 2009