18 Shattuck St
Lowell, Massachusetts 01852

Join us on Saturday, November 21 for the opening reception for Masters: 40 Contemporary Master Quilters. Masters explores the cutting edge of art quilting, with today’s most regarded global quilt artists represented in this comprehensive exhibition. Guest curator Martha Sielman has assembled a seminal collection of representative works by master art quilters, explored in this exhibition and in Sielman’s companion book, Masters: Art Quilts. This expansive look at state of the art quilting brings together works by artists from around the world.

The exhibition shows not only the wide geographic reach of quilting, but also its thematic range. From energetic sculptural works to deeply personal portraits, from meticulous visual narratives to enigmatic still-lives, art quilting embraces as many diverse forms as contemporary painting or sculpture. For those unfamiliar with the medium, the exhibition is a great introduction—for those who have long appreciated the art quilt, a welcome chance to see old favorites and new discoveries.

Official Website: http://www.nequiltmuseum.org

Added by NewEnglandQuiltMuseum on November 9, 2009